- By Tina Hayes, MSN, RN
Content organization is key to creating a well-structured, intuitive website, leading to a better user experience. It helps make the information you convey digestible to address your customers’ needs. Discover the importance of content organization and some tools and systems that can help you effectively create well-organized content and engaging customer journey.
Organization of learning content is essential for creating well-structured, easy-to-navigate web pages and digital documents that meet your marketing goals. In addition, content organization helps make the information easily digestible, increasing user engagement and overall user experience. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of content organization and discuss some tips to help you create a well-organized, user-friendly website or document.
The Importance of Content Organization
Organizing content should be part of your business strategy to reach your customers. Without an organized plan, content can become unfocused and send your customers down paths that pull them away from your site. When posting content becomes rote and doesn’t consider your customers’ needs, they will quickly lose interest. It is best practice to create a clear plan for what information you want to convey and organize your content structure cohesively.
Some content is evergreen, but others are time-sensitive. Staying on top of what to post and when or when to recycle previous work requires planning and organization. Once you have a plan, you can assign those content ideas to subject matter experts and writers who can create engaging content on your behalf according to your timeline.
As a business grows, content volume can quickly become overwhelming. With many content postings, keeping ideas fresh, varied, and interesting for your audience can be challenging. Creating timely and relevant content requires thoughtful determination of what drives customers to your business and understanding how previous content has been successful or unsuccessful. Having resources to evaluate and track your online traffic will help guide your marketing strategies.
How to Keep Your Content Ideas Organized
1. Establish a Routine
Whatever method you choose for content organization, remember that it will require consistency. Establish a schedule using a digital calendar with time allotted weekly, monthly, or quarterly to content ideas. Include a timetable for posting blogs, articles, or social media posts and plan content in advance. The content creator should not feel pressured to produce something on the fly just for the sake of posting. Using a calendar with your team allows you to schedule deadlines and keep all team members on track.
2. Tag the Idea
When you have a large amount of content, it can be challenging to track what topics you have used, how you’ve used them, and how you can expand upon them. Tags are embedded keywords or phrases that organize content topics on a webpage based on themes. A tag on an article or post lets the user know what information they can expect to find. With a data analytics tool, you can use tags to identify which topics on your site have had the most user activity.
3. Group the Ideas Together
Creating similar content groups helps drive traffic to related content on your site, engages the user, and keeps your page clean and organized. For example, if your website provides health information for consumers, you will want to create groupings for different content, such as women’s health, men’s health, and pediatric concerns. These groupings allow you to place all related topics under a leading group heading, which is especially helpful as your business grows and your content volumes increase.
In addition, with grouping, you can analyze activity via Google Analytics on your site and see how your webpage is performing. Analyzing your user traffic will allow you to see which content has received the most traffic and which may be less impactful. This tutorial can walk you through setting groupings for your content and how to run reports for analysis.
Organizational Tools
Google Analytics
As mentioned above, Google Analytics allows you to visualize traffic on your page and analyze the overall performance of content. You can view a high-level analysis or drill down for more specific detail. For example, if one group heading is women’s health, you can view grouped content under that heading and see what articles or posts users have visited the most, where they clicked next for more information, and what content may need less of your attention.
Trello is a great content organization tool that is easy to use for large groups of developers. It organizes content ideas using virtual cards you can move from day to day for tracking through the development process. For example, you may assign a topic to a content developer or writer and attach due dates (outline, rough draft, final, etc.). You can then move that card to different days as the content moves through the editing process and assign it as appropriate. In addition, Trello is an excellent visual tool; you can add notes or comments to cards by the team members involved in that particular content for easy viewing.
Kapost is a content organization tool that allows many content developers to collaborate. It works similarly to Trello by using a visual tracking system. The system enables collaboration among team members at various stages of content development. Kapost has multiple templates that you can use to set up and track workflow. It also allows for content mapping across your website so users can easily find related content.
Are you ready to take your content management to the next level? WriteRN is a content management agency that hires experienced nurse writers to develop healthcare content. These nurse writers are experts at breaking down healthcare topics and creating content your users can easily understand. See what WriteRN can do to optimize the consumer experience on your website.
Atlassian. (2023). Trello: Manage your team’s projects from anywhere. http://trello.com
Beverly, A. (2020, October 21). The benefits of using content grouping in Google analytics. TopSpot. https://www.topspot.com/blog/2020/10/using-content-grouping-in-google-analytics/
Brown, D. ( 2021, April 28). Content organization: Which model is right for your business?. Knotch: Pros & Content. https://prosandcontent.knotch.com/posts/content-organization-which-model-is-right-for-your-business
Google. (2023). Welcome to Google Analytics. Analytics. https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/provision/#/provision
Sharma, H. (2022, May 26). Content grouping in Google Analytics – tutorial. Optimize Smart. https://www.optimizesmart.com/introduction-content-grouping-google-analytics/
Upland Software. (n.d.). Software to align your content strategies alongside the customer journey. http://uplandsoftware.com/kapost/

About the Author
Tina Hayes, MSN, RN
Tina Hayes, MSN, RN is a nurse with over 20 years of experience in labor and delivery and clinical education. Tina began her career in general med/surg nursing and became an obstetrics nurse in 2004. She has held positions as staff nurse, charge nurse, preceptor, nurse man