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6 Quick SEO Tweaks Any Business Can Do to Their Website Today

6 Quick SEO Tweaks Any Business Can Do To Their Website Today

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a process that bloggers use in their businesses to help themselves become noticed on search engines and social media platforms. This guide will help you if you have a few minutes in your day to up your game in the SEO department of your business.

6 SEO Tweaks for your Website that you can use TODAY

1. Update Meta Descriptions

First, what’s a meta description? A meta description is a description that Google uses to not only find your content but show it on Google’s page. See:

The grey portion under the title hyperlink is the meta description. When you create meta descriptions, make sure you are using your main keyword. A tool that helps with all this is the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress.

2. Shorten URLs

When you create blog posts or even your pages, you want the reader to be able to navigate back if possible. Therefore, if you type your URL as: no one will remember it. Though, if I do, you will remember it.

To do this in WordPress, go to your WordPress settings and click “Permalinks,” and default it as “Post name,” and you will have a better-looking URL.

3. Redirect

Before you change around all your live URLs, make sure you install the WordPress PlugIn: Redirection.

This will redirect all the 301 pages to the new URL address.

4. Internal Links + External Links

If your post has internal links to other content on your site, you will start to increase the trust of your reader by providing valuable information. Don’t overdo it though. I typically stick with 2-4 per 1000-word blog posts.

Now, you are not the all-knowing content guru, so you may want to add some creditable external links. It’s okay to add a few to your post as well to link to outside, trusted sources. Make sure you link so the website opens in a new window, though.

5. Alt Text for Images

6 Quick SEO Tweaks Any Business Can Do To Their Website Today

I wrote a post all about Alt text if you need a refresher. Alt text helps your images to be seen by Google. Google can’t see pictures, they can only “read” text. So, adding Alt Text to your images will give them a higher ranking in Google.

6. Quality Content

Make sure you write to your reader, not to SEO. We love keywords because they help us rank our businesses, but overdoing them will help you look like a spammer to Google. Stick with the tone you want to write, with a few mentions of your main keyword throughout the text. Structure your post to reflect it once in the opening paragraph, once in your title, use headings and subheadings (but only use the keyword in one), and at the end.

These small tips can help your speed up your lead generation for your business because they will help you rank higher on Google or other search engines. SEO tweaks are easy to implement and can really help drive traffic quickly. Take a few minutes today to up your game with SEO on your website.

janine kelbach

About the Author

Janine Kelbach, RNC-OB

Janine is a Registered Nurse since 2006, specializing in labor and delivery. She still works at the bedside, as needed. She built Write RN back in 2015 when she started as a freelance writer.

Over the years, and many clients later, she studied marketing, grew her marketing skills, her portfolio (over 200+ pieces), and her business to the agency it is today.

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