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How Much Should I Expect to Pay for Website Development?

How Much Should I Expect to Pay for Website Development

The first thing you’ll think of when you want to develop a site for your business is the cost. How much should you pay for a website developer to create your landing page? Let’s take a look at how much you expect to pay for website development and break down the factors that influence the cost. 

Hiring a website developer balances out the cost and the quality. For a small business, you can find website development services for $2000 to $10,000. This amount includes purchasing your domain name, website hosting plan, and designing and building your site. The cost would depend on the features that you want on your website. If it has more custom-built components, then expect that it will cost more due to its complexity. 

Typically, website developers that offer a higher price for your website are invested not just in the aesthetics of your site but its form and function. They see your website as a business tool. They have incorporated things that you would want out of your websites like sales, revenue, market share, and customers.

Several factors affect the cost of your website. Remember, you usually get what you paid for. So, you might want to consider developers that offer something more than just a pretty design for your site.

Here are some of those factors that affect the price of website development

1. Components and features you need. 

Make a list of the items you want on your website development project. Start with four pages, your contact page, the home page, the about page, and the services page. Some of the tech elements that you want on your site might be a little difficult to do. Your site may be just a single page; it doesn’t mean that it’s cheaper. Adding forums, eCommerce, membership, opt-ins, and other custom functionality would cost you more.

2. Your website developer’s skill level. 

There’s a huge difference if you invest in someone that has a high level of skill. Developers who charge more offer you their expertise in building your website and have a lot of advantages. Developers who charge more have more experience. They think of factors such as driving sales, revenue, and customers. They would not just come up with a well-designed page but also have a customer generation strategy to achieve your goal of building a website. 

3. Your demand as a client. 

Sometimes your developers would work on extra hours or days for your site if you would make reversions often. They would set aside some things for your site that are outside of the working relationship. 

There are factors why the price of website development is not as cheap as you imagine. Some features are complex to make. Your website is your online and offline storefront. Websites are extremely important today since 60% of people search the internet for products and services. Know what you want to achieve and consult with web developers to understand their costs.

Want us to help you develop your site? Our team at Write RN provides a web design service perfect for your healthcare business! Simply fill out this form, and we’ll get in touch with you.

janine kelbach

About the Author

Janine Kelbach, RNC-OB

Janine is a Registered Nurse since 2006, specializing in labor and delivery. She still works at the bedside, as needed. She built Write RN back in 2015 when she started as a freelance writer.

Over the years, and many clients later, she studied marketing, grew her marketing skills, her portfolio (over 200+ pieces), and her business to the agency it is today.

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