Proven Ways for an Effective Content Marketing Strategy
My degree is in nursing. It’s different from the business world, so when I started my business it was hard for me to do understand the content marketing strategy of the business. Now I figured out the technical side, and realize how many entrepreneurs struggle with the business and more importantly content strategy and marketing. Only 3% of businesses consider their content strategy successful. If only 3% of businesses consider their content strategy successful, it probably won’t surprise you that 87% of those businesses consider themselves lacking in the areas of producing relevant and engaging content. If you look at last year did you have a good content marketing strategy? If you didn’t, this guide will help you plan for 2020 and years to come.Your Content Marketing Strategy for 2020
Content marketing strategy and marketing are complex words for a simple process. The process started with finding the audience and writing for their needs. Let’s dive right Into how to start an amazing 2020.Funnel Analyzer

Content Needs

Editorial Calendar


How to come up with more ideas for content:
- Questions from readers
- Groups
- Keyword searching
- Learn
- Inspiration from competitors
- Headlines

Content Outline


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