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4 Great Places to Find Writing Clients

places to find writing clients
<affliliate links in post> As you know, freelancing can be tough. One of the biggest struggles is finding writing to clients. Once you find a client, you may have them for a little while, or their budget may change and they no longer need you. Here are some places I go when I need some client work.

4 Places to Find Writing Clients


I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. Pitch. There are a few ways you can do this. You can cold pitch via email, you can send messages through social media, or you can look on the client’s website and pitch from there. For more tips, read The 7 Step Pitching Process for Healthcare Writers.


Personally, I love this way to find writing clients. It is one of my strongest areas and where most of my work is coming from. I connect with many different companies and people. I showcase myself and I message people with personal notes when we connect.

Reach out to Past Clients

place to find writing clientsPast clients may be able to help you when you are looking for more writing clients. Word-of-mouth is undeniably effective! Also, when I reach out to past clients I send them a reminder on who I am and what I do. This gives them a heads up on any content that would be relevant for me to write.

Job Boards

Recently, I have stepped away from job boards when finding writing clients. They take up a lot of time and they have not paid off for me. I hope these tips help you next time you need some help with client work! Need more tips? Read 7 Tips for Beginner Freelance Writers.

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