Welcome to my office makeover!
The beauty of freelance writing is the fact that you can do it anywhere! I have been writing (as a business) since 2015 and also started my BSN program around that same time. My laptop was always with me. Then, it died, after the dog’s tail hit a glass of water, that inevitably landed on my laptop, goodbye laptop.
One day, I do want a MacBook again, but until then, I have my affordable laptop.
My Asus Flipbook Computer
When I started school, I knew I needed a desktop computer to use Word on and to save all my work. I went to Best Buy and purchased an All-In-One Dell. It has done the job for me, through our moves, but I never had an office, until we moved to this house a year ago.
I look back and realize how much I love having a place to work. It makes me put everything else aside and focus.
Are you like this?
Sometimes, when I had a giant paper due for class, I would have to take off to a local Starbucks or library to really get something done.

How My Husband Did the Office Makeover
Recently, we purchased new office furniture. My husband was sick of looking at me at my $30 desk, as he said. I was fine with it, but that is how I am. Over my birthday weekend, he put everything together, and ladies and gentlemen…. I officially have a real looking office. So far, I LOVE IT! He has the talent to do the office makeover! I have my desk near the window and I have plenty of space, which I always need. I am constantly making to-do lists and reading through research that I always needed a TV tray in my office as well. <Some Desks to Browse> As for the mom side of me, my youngest always pulls up a chair to “work with me”. I love it. Sometimes, you need little things to boost your productivity and motivation. This desk has done it for me, for now, hehe. It’s a great addition to my office makeover that really excites me so much. I hope to not have to leave home as often because I have enough room and can focus now. Thanks to my husband for the fantastic office makeover! Want to boost your productivity? Here are more Tips to Create an Effective Home Office!Like what you’re reading? Take a listen to our podcast called The Savvy Scribe Podcast!
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