“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.”
— Napoleon Hill
To organize your week takes some steps and some dedication. Napoleon said it well with his quote. Observation, transformation, and reality.
I consider myself an organized person, with a hint of ADD. I can focus on one thing very well, but my thoughts are constantly racing until I can brain dump them into a list.
Do you ever feel like this?
Towards the end of 2017, I had to start organizing myself a little more, or my business was never going to get where I want it to go. I have a lot of roles in my life. I am
A mother
A wife
A daughter
A sister
An aunt (and those familial roles go on)
A friend
A nurse
A research nurse
A writer
A coach
A virtual assistant
An avid YMCA member
and more.
In all those roles, I have to be organized. I can’t figure out my schedule as a nurse, without knowing my schedule as a mother. I have to-do lists at work for my institution as well as lists as a wife/homemaker. I have lists for the kids’ activities, outings we have going on, and of course…my business.
I am overwhelmed by reading what I just wrote, but hear me out.
If I can get organized, so can you.
Organize Your Week(s) as a Freelancer
I started with this concept I learned on a Podcast about organizing my work week.
My Ideal Work Week (Week 1)
Now, I get it, you’re a nurse. You may have fluctuating days off. I do too, but right now, my babysitter needs a set schedule, so my boss is working with me (and I am orienting all the new people for her). With that, I get to have Mondays and Wednesdays as well as every other weekend to work.
I have to plan my schedule at the gym, or I won’t work out. I need to work out to feel my best and less stressed. As you see, my “catch up” day is Tuesdays. I do the grocery shopping like a good wife and the laundry (when do we clean?? In between and weekends off). My boys like this schedule, believe it or not. We didn’t like to live in chaos. It is stressful.
“Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds.
— GEORGE SANTAYANA, Dominations, and Powers
Need more help? Reach out to me, or read about how Micheal Hyatt does his. His is a little different because he is not freelancing, working part-time, or have crazy children like me.
Good luck. Let me know your comments on this. Do you organize your week? Any pointers? Also, check out my Passion Planner to help you out!
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