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September Recap for WriteRN + Income Report + 1:1 Coaching Special

Hey, there fellow freelancers! It’s time to look back at or milestones and gather them in a September recap! September is here, and so is the recap! Can you believe we are heading into FALL? One thing I love about Ohio is the seasons changing. Though summer is my favorite, fall is close behind. It is my favorite hiking time, which is when I reflect a lot on my business.

What do you do to reflect on your business?

September Recap for WriteRN

September was great! September recap for writernI was able to go on vacation to Florida (even with hurricane Irma), we went to the gulf side and had the best year of weather we have ever had. I was able to get so much work done and enjoy myself (a lot). That is what I love about this freelance writing side job. Let me give you the overall feel of my wins on this September recap and not so cool moments income report. A quick run down, I gained some different types of freelance work with a client who I have been working with for a few years. He is the CEO of a large company and needs a case management type of help. I also did some virtual assistance work for my sister and her company. Also, I am starting a research study with a nurse researcher, as well as became a beta tester for a neat platform called WriteBoost.

Recap of September!

My September Recap for Motivation: My Wins 2  VA type of clients gained Wins:
  • I am gaining a client to do VA/Case management work for in October. We have a call on Tuesday for more details, but this will give me extra money. I love to write, but I also like to do things to not become burnt out in writing.
  • I start a research project this month with a fellow nurse researcher
  • I started VA work with my sister and her friend over at Launch your Daydream
  • Allnurses is still holding me strong for work!
  • I was able to edit my whole book on vacation! I have to input the edits to the computer now.
  • I have over 700+ LinkedIn followers now
  • I was able to try out a cool new Writing platform called Writeboost. So far, I like it a lot. There are some glitches, but Tom is great to work with over there.
  • My friend Vicky and I are going to do some coaching together (with each other) on a platform we want to try out and then possibly bring it to our coaching clients!
Bummer moments I do a lot of blogging, and believe it or not, these income reports give the most traffic. I believe it is because people are curious, and people want to know if they can do it. Let me tell you, if I can you can do it. Not so cool times:
  • I didn’t get chosen after 5 pitches to Contently. This might be a good thing because the writing seemed a little too technical for me. I love writing for them, though, but when one door closes, another opens, right?
  • Patientpop, a company that I pitched for also declined me. Boohoo.
  • This coming month, I don’t have any active writing I have to do, therefore, I have to reach out!
  • My book is still not done.

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Some podcasts I like this month: When I am at last month? Read Write RN August 2017 Recap + Added $700 to my income + 2 More Clients! Care to share your September recap with us?

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