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What Types of Writing Do Nurse Writers Do?

a nurse writer wearing a blue uniform working on her computer

Working as a nurse has become harder than ever. Up to 30% of nurses leave the bedside on average because of stress. Nurses have started to branch out, taking jobs in academia, public health, and even into the world of entrepreneurship. But, what are some examples of entrepreneurship nurses have embarked in? A common one is a freelance nurse writer. Becoming a nurse writer has become a popular side hustle for many nurses over the past few years. They are a unique branch of writers in that they can use their knowledge gained from nursing in their writing about health, wellness, and more! If you have a healthcare company, why should you hire a nurse to write for you? In this article, we’ll discuss the (many) reasons why a nurse is the best writer for you!

What is a nurse writer?

So what is a nurse writer? Nurse writers are nurses, primarily registered nurses, who write for general audiences, either nurses or non-nurses, on a freelance basis. This means they write for blogs, websites, and more. Freelance means they work based on projects. They can have a few regular clients that they work with long term, but generally, work project to project. This also means they can PICK what they actually work on! They can apply for or pitch new ideas to clients and decide what they will write about. This also means that they can come up with and write all YOUR content for you! But where do they write? Some examples of common clients for nurse writers include:

  • Nursing schools
  • Home care agencies
  • Nurses with their own side hustle businesses
  • Continuing education agencies
  • Wellness blogs
  • Research organizations or universities
  • Health and wellness companies
  • Nutritional companies
  • Fitness companies

And many many more! Really, nurse writers can work ANYWHERE that needs writers. Some nurses will have other specialties, too, depending on their own passions, including crafts, products, specific activities, and more.

What types of writing do nurse writers do?

The first and most obvious area that nurses can write in is academia. This includes nursing schools, continuing education agencies, and more. However, they can write for any type of business, including health and wellness companies, other nurses, and more. Examples of the type of writing they do include:

  • Scholarly journal articles
  • Editorials
  • Create content calendars
  • Research manuscripts
  • Blogs
  • Video scripts
  • Simulation or case study scripts
  • Grant applications
  • Quality improvement projects
  • Patient documentation
  • Websites
  • Patient instructions
  • Patient and family education materials
  • White papers
  • Patient care plans
  • Infographics
  • Presentations
  • Resumes and CVs
  • Cover letters
  • Social media
  • Website copy
  • Advertisement copy (especially for medical equipment!)
  • Abstracts

… and many, many more!

What are the benefits of having a nurse writer?

So, maybe you have a healthcare equipment company, or you are a health and wellness coach, why should you hire a nurse to write for you? Here are just a few reasons why a nurse is the best writer option for you and your business:

1. They are knowledgeable

Nurses are medically trained, so for things like medicine, healthcare equipment, and health and wellness companies, nurses are uniquely positioned to write concise and correct copy for you and your company.

2. They are educators

Nurses are not only trained in medicine but also in educating their patients! Nurses are always the ones implementing a doctor’s orders and training the patients on those things, such as discharge instructions. This usually includes things like:

  • Wound care instructions
  • Medication administration instructions
  • Diagnosis education
  • Healthy lifestyle changes

… and many more! Because of this, they’ll be able to write concise, knowledgeable, AND educational copy for you and your business so that your clients will understand it best.

3. They have worked with patients in the frontlines

If you have a company that involves patient care, patient education, healthcare equipment, and more, nurses can be great assets to your company. They have worked with patients the first line and will know what works best and what may not and can offer this information to you through their writing!

4. They are simply great workers!

Personality studies and surveys have shown that most nurses have many of the same personality traits, ALL of which make a great asset to your team including:

  • Good work ethic and hardworking
  • Knowledgeable
  • Curious
  • Good communicator
  • Optimistic
  • Compassionate
  • Empathetic
  • Even-tempered
  • Flexible
  • Detail-oriented
  • Critical thinkers

Not only do these make them good assets to your team, but they can communicate these same values into their healthcare content and into your business.

Sound good to you?

So, now that you’re looking for a writer, does a nurse sound good to you? If it does, check out the content writing services page on to find your nurse writer today!

Alison Shely, DNP, FNP-C

About the Author

Alison Shely, DNP, FNP-C

Alison Shely, DNP, FNP-C is a nurse practitioner, nurse coach, yoga teacher, and nurse writer who specializes in articles, blogging, and copy. She has been in nursing since 2014, working in intensive care, women’s health, and primary care as a registered nurse and family nurse practitioner. She has written for a variety of publications including, Moxie Scrubs, Aspen University, and more. She is also the winner of the 2020 Shift Report writing contest for Next Level Nursing. Her specialty topics include mental health, health and wellness, yoga philosophy and practice, and community health. She also serves as a mental health coach primarily to other nurses and healthcare workers concerning healthy lifestyles and mental health. Visit her website for coaching details:

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