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Repurpose Content – 1 Blog 5 Different Ways!

Repurpose Content – One Blog 5 Different Ways!

Did you know you can repurpose content by taking one blog post and use it for a variety of different content upgrades? Not yet to mention, this strategy will help you save a ton of energy and money. Once you create a post, you can up-level it, to an entirely different content upgrade! Though, not all pieces of content work the same on different social platforms. Try this example on how to repurpose content to help you visualize how it actually works. (Also, there’s a detailed infographic link packed with easy ways to implement these tips.)

Repurpose Content to Help Elevate Your Business

ways to repurpose content


Let’s start with the blog post you recently created. Let’s say I am a fan of Great Dane dogs and I write a blog post titled: “10 Things you never knew about Great Danes.” I write this post, and I share it on the social platforms, but then, I can repurpose it for every unique platform’s needs. Let’s take a look at the social media platforms I like the most for businesses. Try to see if how repurposing content would work across them.


For Twitter, you can find news stories that feature Great Danes. Share that, and then follow up with sharing your blog post, an appropriately sized image, and add a GIF of Danes to engage people into the post.


For Instagram, you can create appropriate image size content, as well as an Instagram story to click on the link to the post, as well as a quote you can pull from your post.


For Pinterest, you can make an infographic all about your 10 tips about Great Danes. Join groups on Pinterest to uplevel your post with more followers and shares to your profile and post. Try out other Pinterest strategies if you are not sure how to get started. 


For Facebook, videos and curated content does well. It is also great if you have a Facebook Business account setup. I could do a video with my Great Dane and 5 tips of the 10 featured in the video. I can share it with my followers, groups, etc.


For LinkedIn, it’s a professional platform. So, you may look for Great Danes and how they help people or help in the workplace/therapy. Try to brainstorm your content with a professional twist. Challenge your creativity and get your feet wet. In addition to these proven strategies, you can also repurpose content by taking one of your blog posts. Then, use it to create an e-book, a webinar, minicourse product, youtube video, or a podcast episode! This is my favorite thing to implement with my clients. Planning for the next thing to write or post doesn’t have to be time-consuming. It is a matter of getting creative so you can still hit your goals in the simplest way. If you want to hop on a call to see how I can help uplevel your current content. Try these tips to repurpose content when you create your next blog post and spread it around your social platforms. I guarantee you receive more traffic to your site. Gain more leads without having to think of another blog post idea! Like what you’re reading? Take a listen to our podcast called The Savvy Scribe Podcast! Interested in taking your health writing business further? Join us in the Savvy Scribe Growth Lab! Would you like to join a group of like-minded health writers? We host the Savvy Scribe Collective and would LOVE for you to be a part of it! Join us for FREE

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