Recently, I took a trip, by myself with no kids or husband. I am here to tell you a few of my reflections, and how I couldn’t have done it without my side hustle of a freelance writing business.
Yesterday – I climbed a mountain
That leads me to yesterday.
Yesterday, I climbed a mountain. I am from Ohio, and my freelance writing business took me to Maine. Not to meet clients, plan content etc, but to vacation (did I mention – BY MYSELF?). I came with my brother in law, his friend, his girlfriend and her niece. No husband or children for me.
I am writing from the couch in a quiet room watching the sunrise over the ocean right now.
I know I am bragging.
But, why am I telling you this?
Because you can do it too.
You can start your freelance writing business today and grow it to be able to care for yourself like I am, right now.
I have done things on this vacation I never knew my body was capable of doing. I wouldn’t be able to do it with my kids because the mountain hike was 7 miles and a lot of rock climbing.
1. Mental clarity – When I was sitting and having a snack at the top of the mountain, I was just sitting there listening. I heard absolute silence. I had my thoughts, my breathing, and my rapid heartbeat from the climb, and that was it.
2. Beautiful sights – I am so blessed to be in such a place that gives us views as I saw. The pictures don’t do justice. The memories I take home will never leave me.
3. Recharge – When you’re a mother of two, working a research job, parttime at the hospital, and freelance writing and VA work, as well as a wife, a break should always be scheduled. Guess what? I have never left my kids and my husband in the 13 years (the age of the oldest), and now, I feel like I need to do this more often.
I recommend a good recharge for you. See where you are right now and find what recharges you. It might not be climbing a mountain or anything outside at all.
I am able now to take more vacation from work, so in July the kids and I are taking a trip to Chicago! Now, tell me, is your nursing job letting you have this much time off this summer? I continue freelance writing from our hotel when we are settled in, then off to the National Park out there, swimming, and then driving to the Skydesk and Navy Pier! I am SO blessed!
My son was born in 2012, and I knew then, I had to be home with him. Call it a “sign from above”, a “calling” or whatever, but I knew the day that child was born that he was going to need me home more. I started writing unofficially then, and three years later, I began Write RN, LLC. With that, I gained more exposure and clients. When my son was 2, I started school again for my bachelor’s degree, while still running my business. I had to cut back a day every two weeks at work to handle school and my children. I finished my BSN last year and didn’t go back to picking up days because my freelance writing business started to gain more and more income. I did it. I accomplished a freelance writing business goal…Yesterday – I climbed a mountain
That leads me to yesterday.

Three things this vacation has done for me and my freelance writing business:

Ready to “Climb your mountain” with your freelance business?
I offer freelance health writers coaching in this business venture. I want to help you to enjoy your summers with nature surrounding you and stepping out of the 4 walls of the hospital. Writing while overlooking the ocean, or even in your pajamas. I am SO incredibly grateful for this opportunity to be home. Home is where my kids are, my husband, and peace. I love my patients and will continue to be the best nurse I can, but to be able to make an income from home is where my heart flourishes the most.What’s next?

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