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Get up before your kids – It can significantly help your biz.

get up before your kids
There is nothing better for me than snuggling with my boys, but some days that’s reserved. Other days, or most days, I have to get up before my kids because it helps my business.

Get Up Before Your Kids – It Helps your Biz

Why my day starts at 4:30

I have to get up by t 4:30 to really be effective in my day. Have you ever got up at 4:30? You get so much done whether your kids are up or not. Usually, by 7 AM, I could have a little laundry done, the kids’ lunches made, get them off to school with breakfast done and work completed. I feel so much better when I get up at 4:30 with my workday. Though, it is tough.

Not everyday

Some days when I’m really not feeling awake I’ll work out before the kids get up. I actually will wait on doing my work because I’m just not awake and don’t have the energy to be creatively thinking. Nor do I have the energy to do much on the treadmill but, I do feel better when I’m done. You have to take care of yourself, especially as a freelancer.

The Pitfalls

The downfall to getting up at 4:30 you’re exhausted by 9 o’clock at night. Usually, when I put my boys to bed it’s time for them. I put work aside early in the afternoon and really focus on my family for the rest of the day unless there’s something pressing. Family first, always.

The Feeling of Accomplishment

If you can get yourself up at the hour of the birds, as I do, you will feel like you accomplished so much before dawn’s break. If you have little ones, and you can, try to nap if the afternoon if you need it.  Do you follow a morning routine before your kids get up?

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