I just wanted to write a blog post about what’s going on in my world and my new branched adventure to this blog. Here, I am sharing with you a little backstory of what I do before I started my writing business.
This past year has been a whirlwind! We sold our house, moved into a rental house, and we are building a house that we will move in at the end of the month. I still am working at the hospital, and my assistant photography job (which is also doing awesome!), and my writing business is also doing wonderfully….but I want to start something even bigger. Keep reading as I explore more of a little backstory of me.
A Little Backstory
But first, a little backstory of 2016. I started my year with focusing on Babies, Birth, and Beyond to help new moms and pregnant moms learn about their bodies, their baby, and their pregnancy. Though, not a huge success quite yet, I put it on the back burner early this year, and I’m focusing more on writing my first book.
My friend William and I gathered many interviews this past year of different nurse entrepreneurs and learning more about them. Our ideal focus for the book is to help nurses think outside the box to create their own endeavors as a side gig. William and I are both nurses he has moved into the marketing business whereas I kind of still focus on a lot of health content. Either way, both of us have taken our knowledge as nurses and moved on to bigger and better things. He no longer works as a nurse yet, and I still do…I can’t give it up quite yet.
So, earlier this year I blogged about women’s health, pregnancy health, the labor and delivery world, and my personal experiences.
This is it!
Now, I’m also going to add new posts about starting a freelance business. Yes, my focus are the nurses but, is not limited to nurses. I know there are a lot of women my age who want to do their own thing. As you all know, I’m also a mother of two and starting a business with two children is not that easy.
My goals are to share with you tips and tricks to get started in your own freelance business and to share the content with others. I hope to help you in any way I can! May this backstory I shared with you inspire you, too.
So stay tuned… I have much to come with the new blog. Shoot me an email if you have any topics you want to know more about to help me help you get started.