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Write RN October Income Report – JUST Shy of 2K at a parttime level

Hello fellow freelancers,

Wow! October is over! Gahh!! Where does the time go? I don’t know about you, but 2017 was a blink.

This October we celebrated:

1 year in our home
And our youngest turning 5
And our oldest half-way to 13!

…WHAT?! I cannot be that old to have a teenager!

We had some events in the Kelbach house that deterred me from working. My youngest had oral surgery and broke his finger in the same week. I also had an in-office surgery I had done.

That being said, I didn’t pitch enough to new clients, but I did work a lot on my business.

Let’s check-in.

Family October event

Recap of October!

My Wins this October!

  • An amazing meeting with Vicky Warren and Carol Bush about starting up a Mastermind Group. We will be starting this next month on a beta level, then opening it up to members and nonmembers of the Healthcare Writers Network. free Facebook Group>
  • I came up with a title for my book: EntrepreNurse – 30+ Nurses turn into business owners and share their secrets to success 
  • A meeting with the Healthcare Marketing Network Team that was also amazing. We accomplished a lot and came up with a lot of new ideas. 
  • I gained a coaching client named Melissa Mills ← Check her out! She’s incredible! I love her motivation and drive to grow her business!
  • I started a research study through the Research Team at work (so that’s nerdy and cool)
  • I only have 3 more jobs to edit for my book!
  • I created a new opt-in for my email list and gained some new subscribers If you haven’t received your Business Clarity Workbook click the link below: Business Clarity Workbook
  • I planned my ideal week as mentioned on a podcast I love. This was tough with working, kids, and a side hustle, but I can see how it can really help me!
  • I planned my entire 2018 blog editorial calendar
  • I planned my 2018 WriteRN Goals
  • I bought a new planner and mind mapped my goals for WriteRN
  • I gained 2 new clients

Why share bad times?

*|FNAME|*, I do a lot of blogging, and believe it or not, these income reports give the most traffic. I believe it is because people are curious, and people want to know if they can do it. Let me tell you, *|FNAME|*, if I can you can!

  • My income this month is the lowest since the beginning of 2017. It’s ok to have struggles sometimes though, it let me work on the business, which I have been ignoring.
  • The case management VA clients’ needs changed at this time, which means I don’t gain that job. I changed it to be a good thing because I focused on my business.
Janine Kelbach from Write RN

The Money!

I was asked this month to really share the MONEY side of WriteRN, and you know what…I was scared. I don’t know why, maybe because we are told to keep our salaries secret in the nursing industry, even from each other. Maybe it was because I don’t feel like I should earn money for being at home with my boys…either way…It is motivating, so you know what….here it is!

October income report

October Write RN Income

  • Coaching clients – $60
  • Client #1 – $750
  • Client #2 – $500
  • Client #3 – $46
  • Client #4 – $125
  • *NEW* Client #5- Finishing the last article then will invoice $330 (not added in total)
  • *NEW* Client #6 – $100

Total – $1581 ← I didn’t hit my target, but that is OK!

Healthcare Marketing Network

Connect | Gigs | Tips & Tools

Connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter

Website: WriteRN

Upcoming emails

I want to be there for you to ask me any questions! Please reply or shoot an email to me:

Get more details on what all the coaching packages I have to offer HERE.

My ultimate goal is to help you take your freelance writing business to the next level!

Until Next Time….

Janine Kelbach, RNC-OB

Owner, WriteRN Writing Services

Awarded “2016 International Worldwide Healthcare Provider”

Phone:  (440) 749-4851



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