
2 Reasons Why Reviews Matter for Your Healthcare Practice

Why Do Reviews Matter for My Healthcare Practice

Reviews matter. Reviews are what get your future patients on board. It’s a reflection of your past services and passed down to their friends and family.

90% of US consumers look at reviews as the most crucial part of decision-making. This large percentage means that we should have a strong strategy that delivers accurate information about the quality of patient experiences. More than half of consumers would often not use a business service if it’s less than four stars.

Ratings and reviews are based on the patient’s satisfaction. Patients are using ratings and reviews as a new way of buying.

Top 2 Reasons Why Reviews Matter for Your Healthcare Practice

Here are the two important reasons why your patient reviews matter to your healthcare practice.

1. It Gives Credibility to You and Your Practice. 

88% of patients would look first at reviews before booking their appointment. They need to hear what others say about your services. It serves as social proof of your medical practice. 

2. Patient Reviews Matter If You Want to Boost Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

reviews matter for seo purposes

On search engines, reviews have a huge impact on your ranking. Great reviews would result in a higher ranking. When patients leave a review, search engines like Google ranks them higher than Yelp and HealthGrades. We have to make sure that we are generating reviews to help your business. 

In your local area SEO, if people look up services near them, patient reviews come up regarding that service. You’re not just boosting your local SEO; you also rank above your competitors and also from niche services. 

Responding to the feedback of your clients builds engagement and gives them the feeling of being heard and that you actually care for their concerns. Address them objectively and come up with a solution, or you can offer them an array of suggestions that can solve their concern. 

With goodwill comes the bad. Unfortunately, you can’t avoid negative reviews. But, if you build your good review generation process, the negative ones will be pushed to the side, and the prospective patient will see mostly 5-star patient reviews for you and your practice. 

This online feedback serves as your measurement against your competitors. Know how you differ from others and things you need to work on to up a notch on your competitors.

Having a great patient feedback system ensures your patient’s voice is heard and resolved. It can also help you spot the trend in healthcare.

Want us to help you with your patient reviews? We can start with a reputation report care. Simply fill out this form, and we’ll get in touch with you.

janine kelbach

About the Author

Janine Kelbach, RNC-OB

Janine is a Registered Nurse since 2006, specializing in labor and delivery. She still works at the bedside, as needed. She built Write RN back in 2015 when she started as a freelance writer.

Over the years, and many clients later, she studied marketing, grew her marketing skills, her portfolio (over 200+ pieces), and her business to the agency it is today.

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