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7 Steps to Writing Healthcare Content

adult woman writing healthcare content on a piece of paper

We’re lucky to have the internet literally within reach from anywhere. Patients rely on the internet for their medical questions and believe the healthcare content that is out there. Nowadays, writing healthcare content and distributing it on various mediums are ways companies share valuable health-related information. Honestly, as a Gen X, I don’t remember what it was like to have to find answers to a medical problem. However, I remember having to look up things at the library without the internet. I feel so spoiled nowadays.

Now, content has evolved online to answer medical questions with blog posts. Back in 1995, I don’t think we ever thought this could happen. Producing healthcare content written by nurse authors is a great way to boost traffic and trust with consumers across the world. 

However, it’s not simple to develop a simplified process for writing healthcare content that would engage audiences, let alone know what type of content would work best for that audience. In today’s post, I will help you with my 7 steps to writing healthcare content that your audience wants to read.

The 7-Step Process for Writing Healthcare Content

1. Target your Audience 

When creating your content, the first thing that should come to mind is, “who is this intended for?”

Know who the content is for and what they are looking to solve from the piece. Provide information that would give patients answers to their questions. Providing software benefits would help a company solve specific internal problems. Most healthcare content is for the general public. Choose the subject of your content and knowing who your target audience is will make it easier for you to focus on a specific topic.

2. Buyer Persona 

 If you struggle to know who your target audience is, have a buyer persona. A buyer persona is an imaginary person who is your ideal customer. Understand the buyer’s persona needs and what they want to know from your content. This will help you target your writing specifically to one person, making it easier to write the content.

3. Keyword Selection

 Stay up-to-date with the current keywords being used by people searching in your industry. You can do a simple keyword search. It can help you determine the relevant keywords or the keywords your competitors use for their blog post.

Your keywords should appear on your headline and at least once in the sub-heading. But, don’t go overboard in using these keywords. Don’t stuff your content with keywords; this is called keyword stuffing. Search engines penalize your content and see it as spam when you keyword stuff.

4. Evidence-Based Healthcare Content

Evidence-based information avoids misinformation and false claims. It also builds your reputation and builds your readers’ trust. Since it could affect your customer’s health, you need to feed your readers with accurate and well-researched information. A simple rule of thumb is to use scholarly resources published within the last five years. Research facts that would back up your content for a more solid piece. My favorite site is UpToDate for my evidence-based research.

5. Make use of examples.

Making use of examples solidifies your content. It helps readers understand complex information. Be specific with your examples. You are trying to explain the information to them, not try to confuse them. 

6. Have an outline. 

 Writing is a challenging process; having a structure to know where you are heading can ease your task. Starting with an outline will help you organize your thoughts and help solve the reader’s problem.

Setting up guidelines for each piece of healthcare content keeps your writing on the right track. Having an outlined results in better-structured content.

7. Proofread your work. 

Have thorough proofreading before you publish your blog post. Well-written healthcare content will increase your credibility. Re-read it aloud over and over again to find words or information that should be replaced or removed. 

Writing when done right is rewarding. Most potential patients look up on search engines to help with their medical needs and rely on the content that you make. Accuracy and up-to-date articles are key to capturing and earning your reader’s trust. Follow these tips, and you’ll see increased traffic on your blog pages.

Want to implement these processes but don’t have enough time to go through each step? We can help! Our team consists of professional nurse writers who aim to deliver top-notch healthcare content within your deadline with high-quality results. Experience how we work by filling out this form!

janine kelbach

About the Author

Janine Kelbach, RNC-OB

Janine is a Registered Nurse since 2006, specializing in labor and delivery. She still works at the bedside, as needed. She built Write RN back in 2015 when she started as a freelance writer.

Over the years, and many clients later, she studied marketing, grew her marketing skills, her portfolio (over 200+ pieces), and her business to the agency it is today.

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