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The 8-Step Editorial Process at Write RN

The Editorial Process at Write RN

The editorial process of Write RN is what helps us deliver the best quality content. We value the relationship with our clients. That’s why we add strategy calls, a method of choosing a suitable writer for you and editors to deliver results. This post will tell you how our 8-step editorial process works inside Write RN.

How the 8-Step Editorial Process at WriteRN Works

Step 1 – Talk

When a client first fills out the discovery call information form, Janine will reach out personally to invite the potential client to have a call. In the meantime, we send over the service brochure with the various services available. We discuss the client’s needs and how WriteRN can help. Our discovery calls last no longer than 20 minutes, and in that 20 minutes, we are very strategic.

Step 2 – Scope

After the call, we will have an idea on the scope of work. Janine crafts a customized proposal for you. Upon acceptance, we move to a contract and BAM! We get started with an indepth strategy call!

Step 3 – Assign

Depending on the scope of work, we assign writers from the nurse writer database. Here is an example of how we would do that.

Client A is a pediatric hospital. They are looking for content for their parent resource page. We will search the database, choose the best writer for the job, ask their availability, and assign the work.

The job board is available for writers who can write general health and wellness topics or topics related to the medical profession.

Step 4 – Draft

Unlike the services you get from other content writers, we have an entire editorial process. We will have a draft ready within a week. That’s the advantage to having many nurse writers working at the same time, we can have a lot of content delivered at the same time. We aren’t finished yet, though.

Step 5 – Edit

As soon as the draft arrives, the project manager assigns it to an editor on the Write RN team. The editor takes a look at sentence structure and overall grammar. If there is a style guide and/or content brief assigned, the piece will also go through a second editing process to ensure everything aligns.

Step 6 – Revise

When the edits are made, the piece goes back to the writer for revisions. Revisions can take a day or two, depending on the writer’s availability (most of our writing team still works at the bedside). When the writer is complete, the piece is reviewed one last time.

Step 7 – Deliver

Finally, the client will be sent deliverables and invoiced for the work. At that time, we set up the next strategy call.

Step 8 – Rinse and Repeat

After the work is sent and approved, we move onto the next project!

Example of how the editorial process works

Client A, let’s call her Sally, is looking for some blog posts related to surgical nursing. Sally fills out the intake form.

Janine receives the form and sends an email with the service brochure and a link to schedule a call.

Sally schedules her call.

The call starts, and Sally has invited her team to join. Janine leads the call with questions to hone in on what Sally’s company needs.

After the call, Janine will create Sally a proposal.

Sally agrees to the proposal, and a contract is signed.

We schedule a meeting for topics to write.

The meeting day comes and Sally and Jeff are present. Janine has a document started with ideas and Sally and Jeff have ideas as well. We decide on 12 blog posts, so their company can post blogs 3x/week.

Janine searches her nurse writer database for available nurses to write. Within 10 days all assignments are returned and assigned to the editor. The editor edits and sends back to the writer for revisions. After revisions are made, the final assignment is delivered to the project manager.

The project manager delivers the articles in a simple spreadsheet format with links and the invoice.

Upon approval of ths sent, and the strategy call is set for the next month!


At Write RN, we always start with a discovery call because we genuinely value of client’s input. It’s not as simple as “placing a content order” because we want to know your company’s uniqueness and target audience. Plus, it’s incredible to meet face to face (well, Zoom to Zoom). 

What makes us different than others in our writing agency arena? You guessed it, our database of nurse writers with writing expertise and nursing experience. 

We have an editorial process in place to assure quality along the way—the quality of your web content matters. 

If you’re reading this post and saying, “Yes, that’s exactly what I need”, head on over to Step one, the intake form, and we’ll take it from there!

janine kelbach

About the Author

Janine Kelbach, RNC-OB

Janine is a Registered Nurse since 2006, specializing in labor and delivery. She still works at the bedside, as needed. She built Write RN back in 2015 when she started as a freelance writer.

Over the years, and many clients later, she studied marketing, grew her marketing skills, her portfolio (over 200+ pieces), and her business to the agency it is today.

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