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November 2017 Income Report WriteRN (Over $2500 This Month Parttime)

november income report
Hello fellow freelancers, I can’t believe November is ALMOST over (don’t I say that every newsletter??). It’s so true though. I feel like this year has been a blink of an eye. Thank goodness I’m obsessed with taking pictures because it gives me a chance to look back at what we’ve done. Did you do anything awesome this month? I worked Thanksgiving, but that’s ok <someone has to>. Though, we surprised our kids and took them to a Waterpark and had a blast! I love working part-time and being able to LIVE and do staycations. November autumn season

November Wins:

  • We are engaged in our Mastermind Group (Beta)  and we’re doing really well! I was able to get into the hot seat and redid my virtual assisting packages and gained some clarity!
  • I gained a new writing client, a local magazine! I read it all the time, so I am excited to see it in print!
  • I gained a coaching client named Lydia, she’s from the UK! I can’t wait to share with you how her journey goes!
  • I started the parttime Research job. I have appointments with clients at the local hospital (keeps me out of the drama at work and keeps my mind going!)
  • I increased my blog traffic in November using Tailwind
  • I have blog ideas streaming in! I have some posts drafted!
  • I hired my son as my Pinterest guru to get my blog posts more shares + likes
  • I landed a VA client!
  • I am on a waitlist for a VA Leads course
  • I have ideas for more opt-ins

Why share bad times?

I do a lot of blogging this November, and believe it or not, these income reports receive the most traffic. I believe it is because people are curious, and people want to know if they can do it. Let me tell you if I can….you can!
  • My income this November is still lower than in previous months, but I am turning the focus on the business, which deems low reports. I wish I had more hours in the day, but I don’t.
  • The client I was hoping to bring in a lot of income this November fell through, so, unfortunately, I didn’t get the report I wanted. Also, I don’t put all my eggs in one basket, for that reason.


I was asked to really share the MONEY side of WriteRN, and you know what…I was scared. I don’t know why, maybe because we are told to keep our salaries secret in the nursing industry, even from each other. Maybe it was because I don’t feel like I should earn money for being at home with my boys…either way…It is motivating, so you know what….here it is!

November Write RN Income

  • Coaching clients – $250
  • Client #1 – $750
  • Client #2 – $750
  • Client #3 – $500
  • *NEW* Client #4 – $75
  • *NEW* Client #5 – $70
  • Client #6 – $368.80

Total – $2763.80

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