- By Krystle Maynard
For businesses wanting to enhance their healthcare content marketing; hire a nurse to do the work for you. Nurses are healthcare experts, making them the only choice for healthcare content writing.
Have you ever watched an episode of Grey’s Anatomy? In one episode, a patient was intubated, yet the endotracheal tube was positioned at 5cm at the lip. Someone who has no background in critical care most likely wouldn’t have realized this error. Sure, the show was known to have real healthcare providers consult on some of the storylines, but this was one of many where someone dropped the ball. As this was a medical drama, the goal of hiring actual healthcare consultants was to make their scripts more believable to the public. If there are multiple gaps in providing a more realistic view of healthcare, you will have less buy-in from consumers. Granted, it’s television, so it’s no big deal. But, what if someone with no healthcare background oversaw writing the healthcare marketing content for a business?
What is Healthcare Content Marketing?
Before I dive into why nurses are the obvious solution, let’s first discuss healthcare marketing. Marketing is how healthcare professionals demonstrate value in their products and services. From a sales perspective; marketing experts focus on the consumer and what they want and they aim to continuously attempt to win consumer loyalty with their brands and services. Healthcare is no different- whether it’s a product or a provider.
As patient satisfaction is one of the primary focus points for healthcare organizations, healthcare marketers must understand the expectations of the consumer. If organizations and/or providers want to earn the trust and business of consumers, they must consider patient requests, complaints, and suggestions, and develop ways to meet them where they are. Nurses are already pros at this; considering patient needs wants, and complaints are all a part of patient care.
Currently, there is a huge shift toward the use of digital marketing strategies across the internet, leaving healthcare providers the option to adapt and become flexible with their outreach techniques. Healthcare organizations and providers will be more equipped to expand the services they offer to consumers by utilizing some of the following popular strategies:
- Blogs (can be for educational purposes)
- Articles
- Social media platforms
- Keyword utilization
Why Do Nurses Implement These Techniques?
When you have a better understanding of healthcare marketing and techniques most commonly used in today’s market, you can easily understand why hiring nurses to write all their healthcare marketing content is the best decision. I know I have already mentioned a few supporting reasons, so let’s jump into the top 5 reasons why nurses are the smartest and best choice for healthcare content writing.
5 Reasons Why Nurses Should be Involved in Healthcare Content Writing
1. Highly educated with expert skill sets
Nurses are highly skilled and educated individuals. Nursing is one of the hardest majors to pursue and it is a true art and science to be successful in the program. Nurses endure years of rigorous didactic education, clinical rotations, research papers, and countless study hours and grow into masters of their craft. The education doesn’t stop at the degree either; learning continues afterward and follows nurses all through their journey. You can be sure that nurses will focus on evidence-based research that made them truly excel in healthcare content writing.
2. Never a shortage in experience
There is never a shortage of experienced nurses across all kinds of specialties. Yes, we have heard that there is a nursing shortage, but that is more focused at the bedside. As a general statement, nurses remain the largest entity in the healthcare field and the possibilities are literally endless. Depending on what your company does, many nurses specialize in your field.
3. Core values are on point
Not only are nurses healthcare experts, but they come with an expansive set of core values. Nurses are intuitive, critical thinkers, and they take initiative. According to research, being a nurse is more than just possessing the knowledge and skills necessary to care for patients, it also requires solid principles, such as respect, compassion, and dignity. Nurses value their word, which means your company will benefit.
4. Adaptable to change
Healthcare is frequently evolving and shifting gears. As we keep using more technology and introducing it to our patients and the general population, we are inviting many potential new opportunities to connect with our audiences and patients. Telemedicine has expanded rapidly since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only do providers now have another means of caring for patients, but this has also prompted the use of mobile applications (apps) to potentiate more access. To use Medicare beneficiaries as an example, prior to the pandemic, there was an average of 13,000 telemedicine visits per week; post and during the pandemic, this increased to over 1.5 million visits per week.
Now think about how having a nurse write your healthcare content can impact a mass number of patients. What about the countless possibilities of providing healthcare education to the public? Nurses are known for their ability to utilize technological resources to coordinate care for their patients and interact with interprofessional colleagues.
5. Ability to host content everywhere
Healthcare businesses and practices are expanding, as well as specialties. Gone are the days when we only have in-person clinics and hospital settings. Healthcare providers can reach the masses by using what’s at their fingertips: the internet. That’s right, in addition to telehealth, transition your thoughts now to social media, blogging, newsletters, emails, educational courses, virtual sessions, podcasts, and so much more. Nurses can write (and even host) content for all of that.
Final Thoughts
Nurses are educated, skilled, trustworthy, and innovative; they bring a completely different level of expertise and wisdom to the marketing sector than many realize. Most (if not all) healthcare organizations and practices utilize some sort of marketing strategy to attract more consumers, so why not seek out the experts? Marketing professionals are also highly skilled in their craft, but when it comes to healthcare, nurses are the experts in the content you want to market. Ready to hire a nurse? Reach out to us here!

About the Author
Krystle Maynard
Krystle Maynard is the creator of Innovative Nurse Solutions and has been a nurse for over a decade. She has specialized in medical-surgical and critical care nursing, in addition to having a long-standing history of being an adjunct faculty member for a college of nursing. Innovative nurse Solutions focuses on healthcare content writing (such as blogs, E-books, emails, academic coursework, and educational content for healthcare personnel and patients). Krystle also offers leadership consultation for healthcare organizations as well as tutoring and mentor services for undergraduate and graduate nurses. She lives in Kentucky with her husband and children and her two favorite hobbies are traveling to various destinations (mainly beaches) and concerts. If you would like to connect, you can reach her at LinkedIn.